Leni Robredo's Satisfaction Rating at +1

NoBoots Channel

Manila- VICE President Leni Robredo's satisfaction ratings as vice president, according to polls of the Social Weather Stations, have collapsed from its peak of plus 42 in March 2019 to just plus 1, based on the pollster's December 2021 survey.

That means most Filipinos view her vice presidency as an abject failure. She is insane if she thinks they will vote her to the higher office of the presidency.

Polls on whom Filipinos would vote for also reflect the fact that she doesn't have a chance of winning, with the latest poll I've seen showing Isko Moreno has even overtaken her in the No. 2 slot.

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In contrast, the net satisfaction ratings of the third highest official (by succession) who is running for vice president, Senate President Vicente Sotto 3rd dipped only slightly, from plus 61 in March 2019 to plus 53 last December.

That of President Duterte rebounded from a net ratification of 52 in September 2021 to the 'very good' level of plus 60 in December 2021, a remarkable performance, according to the SWS president, as this means he is still 'in his honeymoon phase even if he is just a few months away from stepping down.' That net satisfaction of 60 means about 85 percent of Filipinos are satisfied with his presidency.

This means Duterte would be the president, among six past presidents, with the highest net satisfaction rating at the end of his term. Corazon Aquino's was 7; Ramos, 19; Estrada, 9; Arroyo, negative 17; and Aquino 3rd, 29. In short, Filipinos think he is the best president in the post-Marcos era.

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SWS head Linda Luz Guerrero said that three factors may have contributed to Duterte's high satisfaction rating: strong base support, satisfaction with the administration's governance and specific policy issues, and approval of his perceived decisiveness and diligence.

Of the three types of factors, perception of his character appears to be the most important factor explaining satisfaction and dissatisfaction with President Duterte,' she said.

Meanwhile, Duterte's net satisfaction on fighting corruption was at plus 9, while fighting inflation was at negative 5, both within the 'neutral' rating.

For some reason — or for obvious reasons — SWS has not released to the public its latest data on Robredo's satisfaction ratings.


It was, however, disclosed by Guerrero at a forum organized by the Asian Institute of Management and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation on Monday, Feb. 7, 2022. Only the Manila Times and Balita (the Manila Bulletin's tabloid) reported the huge drop in Robredo's ratings. (The Manila Bulletin, whose president Sonny Coloma was Aquino 3rd's communications director, reported only Duterte's ratings but not Robredo's.)

If Robredo were rational, or had some compassion for her gullible followers, she wouldn't waste their time and energy and withdraw now. Unless of course she's running not to win, but, as politicians' phrase would put it, 'for the funds of it.'

Or maybe her American contacts have assured her: 'Don't worry, we'll take care of things, as we've done in Ukraine in 2014 and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.'

Source: Manila Times

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