LET Reviewers ProfEd: Proponents and their theories

NoBoots Channel

Taking the Board Exam is not easy for those who did not study! That is really true. People think that they need to rely only on luck and some says it only perceives or gets on stock knowledge. 

But no such thing as that! No person can be called PROFESSIONALS if they did not pass the board and they won't be called themselves LICENSED if they won't work hard for it. 

In this Chapter, We would like to give you a sort of Reviewers that will eventually boost your mind.


1. WILHELM WUNDT-father of modern psychology

2.SIGMUND FREUD-father of psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory

3.JOHANN HEINRICH-father of education and pedagogy

4. IVAN PAVLOV-classical conditioning

5.BURRHUS F. SKINNER-operant conditioning.

6.DAVID AUSUBEL-meaningful learning

7.JEROME BRUNER-discovery learning, spiral curriculum

8.ALBERT BANDURA-social cognitive learning theory.

9.EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE-law of readiness and exercises

10. KURT LEVIN-life space content.


Proponents and their Theories

Curriculum Development

Educational Technology

Principles of Teaching

Facilitating Learning

11.KOHLER-problem solving by insight, insightful learning

12.URIE BROFENBRENNER-ecolog­ical theory

13.SANDRA BEM-gender schema theory

14.HOWARD GARDNER-theory of multiple intelligence

15.ELLIOT TURRIEL-Social domain theory

16.LAWRENCE KOHLBERG-moral development theory

17.ROBERT STERNBERG-triathlon theory intelligence

18.ERIK ERIKSON-psychosocial­ development theory

19.MA. MONTESSORI-transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children.

20.EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE-creative problem solving

21.CHOMSKY-linguistic acquisition theory

22.JEAN PIAGET-cognitive learning theory

23.JOHN WATSON-behavioral theory

24.EDWARD TOLMAN-purpose behaviorism

25.BERNARD WEINER-attribution theory

26.DANIEL GOLEMAN-emotional intelligence.

27.TITCHENER- structuralism psychology

28.ROBERT GAGNE - the sequence of instruction

29.ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs, motivation theory

30.BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy

31.DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain

32.LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive development, linguistic theory, Scaffolding 

33.JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism

34.CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory

35.JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition

36.ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory

37.JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing

38.DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten

39.AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology. 

40.JOHN AMOS COMENIUS - Fr. of modern education.


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Proponents and their Theories

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