LET Reviewer Majorship: English

NoBoots Channel


Taking the Board Exam is not easy for those who did not study! That is really true. People think that they need to rely only on luck and some says it only perceives or gets on stock knowledge. 

But no such thing as that! No person can be called PROFESSIONALS if they did not pass the board and they won't be called themselves LICENSED if they won't work hard for it. 

In this Chapter, We would like to give you a sort of Reviewers that will eventually boost your mind.

English literature 


1. Alliteration. The repetition of consonance in the begining of a sentence.

2. Assonance. The repetition of vowels in the begining of a sentnce.

3. Allusion: references fr0m historic events, pers0nality or place.

4. Dialect: the different pronounciati0n of the word.

5. Free verse: a poem having no regular meter and no rhyming scheme.

6. Blank verse. A poem having regular meter but no rhyming scheme.

7.Poetry. Best words in best orders 

8. Ballad. A narative poem compose of quatrains. OR a narative poem having a story of hero and events.

9. Sonnet. A poem of 14 lines with rhyming scheme ABAB.

10. Hymm. A poem in which we praise God.


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11. Couplet. Two lines having same rhyming scheme.

12. Wit. the act of loosing senses.

13. Paradox. Self contradictory statement.

14. Conceit. It is a figure of speech in two vastly different objects are linked together with the help of simile or metaphor. 

15. Allegory. A literary term that is used to reveal hidden meanings.

16. Lyric. A poetry which used for music.

17. Epic. A l0ng narrative poem which describe the st0ry of hero. Like Rape Of The Lock, Paradise Lost.

18. Acrostic poem. A poem in whch first letter of each line form a word.

19. Cinquin. A poem whch has five lines stanza. It has no rhyming scheme.

20. Clasicism. A poetry whch includes Greek And Latin civilizations.

21 Ode. A poem that can be sung like a s0ng.

22. Elegy. A poem of sorrows. 

23. Pastoral. Song of shepherd.

24. Metaphysical. A spirtual and imaginary poetry. Beyond imagination.

25. Metaphor. Comparison without using like, as.

26. Simile. Comparison using words like, as

27. Accent. The tone of the speaker.

28. Protagonist. The hero of the novel or drama.

29. Antagonist. Villain of drama.

30. Irony. A speech having intended meanings different from actuality.

31. Hubris. Excessive pride.

32. Satire. to criticise someone's traits, behaviour etc

33. Renaisance. Era of 14th century to 17th century. Rebirth of knowledge, literature etc.

34. M0ck epic. A long narrative poem based on criticism in a humouric way. Like Rape Of The Lock.

35. Hyperbole. Extreme exaggeration to increase the influence.

36. Paradox. Self contradictory statement.

37. Oxymoron. Two opposite words or ideas that are joined together. Like OPEN SECRET, TRAGIC C0MEDY.

38. Dactylic. A word of three syllables one long & two short.

39. Etymology. The devel0pment of any w0rd in respect to its historical background meanings. 

40. Iambic pentameter. A line of verse with five metrical feet , each consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable. For example: Two household


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