Chopstick Reading Comprehension

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Chopstick were invented in China over thousand years ago, probably evolving from twigs used to spear food from a cooking pot. Knives took over this function in the West, but Confucius, who considered knives instruments of aggression, encouraged the use of chopsticks as part of his teaching of nonviolence. The name in Chinese is kuaizi, which means "quick little fellows: came from the pidgin English for kuai. Chopsticks spread throughout the orient, those belonging to the rich made of gold, silver, ivory, or jade. Most however, were-and are made of bamboo, which was plentiful and cheap, with no taste or smell that could affect the food. The Japanese made them from a variety of woods and lacquered them for durability. It was not until the late 19th century that the disposable bamboo variety became popular. 

Traditionally, Chinese and Japanese chopsticks differ in length and shape. The Chinese are ten inches long, square, and blunt at the tip. While the Japanese are rounded, come to a point, and are a couple of inches shorter. They are efficient enough to pick up a single grain of rice, but the accepted way to eat rice is to use the chopsticks almost like scoop, moving the grains from a small bowl held close to the mouth. Chopstick etiquette says you should not gesture with them as you talk, nor should you use them to pass food. And you're inviting misfortune if you drop them or place them crossed on your plate, unless you do it in a restaurant to show the waiter you're finished and ready for the check. 

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