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English Proficiency Test for Teachers | Reading Comprehension


Birds dont seem to suffer from jetlag. But then again, they don't suffer from the airport delays, crowded seating, inedible airline food or lost of luggage either. Human jet lag seems to be found inevitably to passing rapidly through different zones. Birds usually migrate from north to south often not encountering anytime change in their journey. 

A veterinarian speculates that if you put a bird on a place going east to west, it might feel jet lag. But birds, unlike humans, don't try to fly that way and cross several time zones in one day. Some migration can take up to several weeks. Birds don't stretch their physical limits, unless they have to, such as when flying over a large body of water.

If they are tired, birds stop and go to sleep, while their human counterparts often have difficulties getting some shut-eye on a plane. As a rule, migration doesn't upset birds natural sleeping patterns. They sleep when it is dark and awaken when it is light.


1. What would be the best title to the article?

a. Birds with jet lags

b. Human on a plane

c. The difference between birds and travel

d. The migration of birds 

2. As used in the selection, the word "inedible" likely means __________.

a. Appetizing

b. Mouth watering

c. Fits to be eaten

d. Unfit to eat

3. Based on the selection, it can be conducted that ___________.

a. Birds migrate faster than humans

b. The migration of birds and that of humans are very different

c. Birds like humans, also experience jet lags

d. Human unlike birds, migrate from north to south

Answer Keys

1. c

2. d

3. b

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