NoBoots Channel


The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America, between Canada and Mexico. It is a federation of 50 states, a federal capital district (Washington, D.C.), and 326 Indian reservations that overlap with state boundaries. Outside the union of states, it asserts sovereignty over five major unincorporated island territories and various uninhabited islands. The country has the world's third-largest land area, largest maritime exclusive economic zone, and the third-largest population, exceeding 334 million.

In the United States, education is provided in public and private schools and by individuals through homeschoolingState governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges, and universities. The bulk of the $1.3 trillion in funding comes from state and local governments, with federal funding accounting for about $260 billion in 2021 compared to around $200 billion in past years.

Recently, USA is hiring more competent educators to be filled up their teaching vacancies. Overseas workers are highly recommended to apply.

Here are the following vacancies.

Vacancies: 55


  • Elementary Teacher - Fairfax County, Virginia, U.S.A
  • Elementary Teacher - Prince William County Public Schools, Virginia, U.S.A
  • Elementary Teacher - Wake County, North Carolina
  • Elementary Teacher - Alaska, West, USA
  • Secondary Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • School Counsellor
  • School Principal
  • Computer Literacy / Media Librarian
  • Elementary Teacher - Creation Village World School
  • Elementary Teacher - CASA Academy
  • Math Teacher
  • Exceptional / Special Education
  • Online Teaching Jobs (5549 job vacancies)
    • Online ESL Teacher
    • Certified English Tutor (Remote)
    • ESL Bilingual Tutor (Remote)
    • Online Science Tutor 
    • Online Elementary Education Tutor
    • Online Math Tutor
    • Online Humanities Tutor
    • Online STEM Tutor
    • Online Spanish Tutor (Remote)
    • Online Language Teacher (Remote)
    • Certified French Teacher (Remote)


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