TASK 4: An Organizational Behavior System

NoBoots Channel

CPSU San Carlos- School of Graduate Studies

ED 206 Human Behavior

An Organizational Behavior System

Organizations achieve their goals by creating, operating, and communicating an  organizational system. An important basis for the system resides in the philosophy and  goals who join together to create it. The philosophy are implemented by leadership, Leaders  create formal policies, structures and procedures to help attain the goals and work with  each members to create positive norms. Together, the formal and informal organizations  provide the “glue” that bind the institutions into an effective working team.

The result of an effective organizational behavior system is motivation which, when  combined with employee skills and abilities, results in human productivity. Successful  motivation can get above performance out of average people. It builds two way relationships  that mutually supportive, meaning that manager and employee are jointly influencing each  other and jointly benefiting. This is power with people rather than power over them, and  this is consistent with present human values regarding how people wish to be treated.  

Elements of Philosophy

We are committed to quality, cost-effectiveness, and technical excellence. People should treat each other with consideration, trust, and respect. Each person is valuable, is unique, and makes a contribution.

All employees should be unfailingly committed to excellent performance. Teamwork can, and should, produce far more than the sum of individual efforts.  Team members must be reliable and committed to the team.

Innovation is essential.

Open Communication is important for attaining success

Decisions should be reached participatively  


Task No.

1. Consider an organization where you now work or have worked. What model of organizational behavior does/did your organization allow/allowed?

The model of organizational behavior where our organization allowed or belongs is a SUPPORTIVE model of organizational behavior.

2. What Model of organizational behavior would be appropriate in your organization where you are now? Discuss and elaborate.

I belong to a SUPPORTIVE model of organizational behavior where all of the members are very supportive and our kind of leader is very kin when in performance, the kind of leadership he had is extraordinary and excellent. Our school head feel that everyone has its own functions, he gives opportunities or chances to everyone to show their potentials. We enjoyed working together as there is always a profound happiness, peace and harmony. I love where I belong now and I think, this is the best model of all organizational behavior.

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