Task 3: Explain

NoBoots Channel

Video Link: https://youtu.be/biJwCaczx7s


1. Explain what the video clip tells us.

The video is trying to tell us about a single person who is carrying a cart solely and how to move it fast with a help of his chosen companions.

2. What are the lessons that you've learned from this video clip or in your organization?

In creating an organization, we should always chose people that are trustworthy and those who shared the same interests with you. Although in an organization, there is always termites, especially people that are against us who want to destroy our legacy but we shall make this as a challenges for us to state our goals we want to pursue and make it as our vision to make things really happen. There maybe hindrances, rough roads and storms in our way but our determination, perseverance and hardwork will paved its way to victory. 

3. What do you think are the most common problems in an organization?

The most common problems in an organization are the people whom you trust or the people around you. Maybe they are nice in front of you but really evil at the back. We can't deny the fact that someone who really stands on their beliefs and dignity and may contradict your will and governance. There is also someone in an organization that is working with you but also working with another, maybe if unchecked, can really cause a destruction on your own organization. This is really true.

4. How can you improve/help your organization as an employee?

There's a lot of ways to improve and help our organization to grow and prosper. If given a chance to work with an organization. I simply obey the rules and regulations, do my duties and responsibilities, respect every rights. There's a place of perfect communication and listening skills and love each other. Although, this words are simple but really connects the entire organization to peaceful working environment harmoniously.


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  1. Ernie U. Callora11:30 PM

    Hello Mam, this is my blog and that is my answer ♥️

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